So, you're sure you filled up with fuel but you're showing empty on the gauge. Why is that?
These gauges are notoriously unreliable as far as the accuracy goes; Randakk calls them 'the Honda Entertainment Device'. But here we are talking about failure by either showing Full or Empty all the time.
Well, apart from maybe being a bit senile and forgetful, your gauge might have might have taken a flaky, or you have a harness disconnect.
Or maybe something else.
Your temperature gauge goes straight up into the red, even with a cold engine. Or it resolutely stays in the the Cold section even though you have just completed a non-stop run at over 1000mph!
Ok, so again your gauge might have might have taken a flaky, or you have a harness disconnect.
Or maybe something else.
Both these gauges are combined on their own separate circuilt, running on a lower seven volts controlled by a regulator. The reason for this is that the voltage in the main harness can fluctuate quite dramatically depending on the load put on it. If the gauges were on this main circuit, they would be also fluctuating. The separate circuit with regulator smooths out those fluctuations so that you have a steady gauge reading, since there will always be a steady 7 volts available.
The factory regulators are a known failure point on our old bikes, particulary on the 75-77 GL1000. Slightly more reliable on the later machines, but all would benefit from a more modern answer to the problem.
Please note: If the problem is only with one or other gauge, not both, it is NOT a regulator problem!
Honda OEM regulators are crazy money! You would get quite a shock when asked to shell out around $100!
Help Is At Hand!
The Admin and owner of GoldwingDocs, Scott, had been manufacturing modern regulators for some time now, with excellent feedback on them. They are designed to plug in exactly in place of your OEM unit.
Detailed instructions with pictures are included, and full unlimited support is provided on the GoldwingDocs web site.
Replacing this regulator on your motorcycle is well within the capabilities of a casual home DIY mechanic and requires only a couple screwdrivers and 30 to 45 minutes time.
Replacement 7 Volt Regulators
(all models except those with electronic gauges)

An online source dedicated to Honda's amazing four cylinder Goldwings!

Your payment will go directly to Scott and your regulator shipped out from Ohio USA.
Shipping is calculated during the check-out procedure.
WinGovations Copyright 2016
J G Evans
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 GoldWing 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987